What’s more exciting than a state budget? Pretty much everything, but since you’re here and probably funding one, here’s a look at California’s expenditures from the last few years’ proposed and enacted budgets:
Yep, just what you’d expect: school and health and stuff. But where do the funds come from? Funds!
Don’t worry, it’s just taxes. Why bother with that chart? Because that’s the terminology, and facing it now might help overcome your inevitable and brutal lack of interest in the “General Fund” on the day you go and look at budget yourself. For now though, let’s take the bond figures from above with revenue summaries from the individual budgets and move on to the one slightly interesting chart in this set:
So technically, every time there’s a recession, less income will lead to less sales and therefore less tax, which basically guarantees that when the state is hurting, the government will be in no position to help. … Or is that not the problem?
We need more input.
[2011-2012 California State Budget, Historical Budgets from CA Dept. of Finance]
United in Disapproval
It’s not quite 99%, but if 80% of Americans can agree on anything, even something...