GDP by NAICS (or, Here Come the Numbers)

Here we go again, but this time all 20 economic sectors link to a first round mapping. Also, U.S. GDP figures have been added to the top level and will be trickling down over the next few weeks…

The chart below is live, or you can go to the full page version.

Might or Might Not: China’s Housing Bubble

China might (see video) or might not be experiencing a housing bubble.

This needlessly long segment is not the best representative of the ‘might’ position (or journalism), but is included because it’s always fun to look at empty cities and malls, particularly on Mondays.

[via Hacker News]

Top 50 Websites in the U.S.

posted in: ACM images, Input, Smog 0

That is, the top 54 websites according to Alexa on June 28th, 2011, minus technical/non-user sites at #34 and #41 and adult sites at #43 and #50.

The only surprise on this list might be Myspace’s continued presence. For a dying website, it still makes the top 50, out of, you know, over 100,000,000 active sites. But also of note is the quick and dramatic drop-off in reach, or the estimated percentage of internet users visiting a site. While Google racked up 52% and Facebook 43% reach yesterday, a great many in this grouping didn’t break 2%.

Wonder what this would look like broken out by owner…

Update: This is what it looks like.

1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 41