Conway’s Game of Life

The Game of Life is a cellular automaton where rules govern the next state of the grid based on the current configuration.

  • Underpopulation – A living cell with less than 2 neighbors dies.
  • Overpopulation – A living cell with more than 3 neighbors dies.
  • Balance – A living cell with 2 or 3 neighbors survives.
  • Reproduction – A dead cell with more than 2 neighbors comes alive.

Here’s a sample of the fun to be had…

(click to play)

The Import/Export feature allows you to load and save different setups.  Post your own in the comments!


When the lights go down in the city?

I want to be there.

CA_city_lights_map(click for slightly larger version)

“City lights data are a mosaic of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) images.  These images were collected at night (10/1994-3/1995) and include visible light emissions from cities, towns, and industrial sites.”

[Full version available in the excellent FRAP Maps collection from the CA Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.] Pricing Aid

You know we’ve come a long way as a civilization as soon as you can get this kind of information about the price of a board game.  (And you can tell a lot about that civilization by how often it changes the price of them.)

CamelCamelCamel will tell you how much of a deal you are or are not getting, historically, on every item on Amazon.  They also cover Best Buy and a few other retailers too.

[via BoingBoing’s Cool Tools]
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